Salary Schedule and Benefits
Click here to view the 2024-2025 Salary Schedule.
The salaries listed above are based on 10-month and 11-month employment for the 2024-2025 school year. Salary is determined on an annual basis and salary advancement is not guaranteed. Pay increases are based on the annual pay raise budget approved by the Board of Trustees.
Click Here to view our Benefits Guide
Click here to view BISD Employee Benefits portal.
Classroom teachers, librarians, and registered nurses will be paid no less than the minimum state salary schedule (See Pay Scales above).
All BISD employees are paid semimonthly over a 12 month period by direct deposit.
Payroll deductions employees may make include the employee's share of premiums for health, dental, life, and vision insurance; tax deferred annuities; TRS Service; Buy Back; Teacher Organizations; United Way; Roth IRA; legal plans; and savings and loan payments through the Wichita Falls Teachers' Credit Union
The District pays $496 per month toward the employee's health insurance premium.
District pays for a base life insurance plan for all full-time employees.
Health, Dental, Vision, Life, Cancer, Long Term Care, and Disability coverage is available to all full time employees. Requires enrollment.
A section 125 Flexible Spending Account is offered to all employees.
The District has an Employee Wellness Program which annually offers many services free to employees, including, Flu immunization, complete blood profile, exercise challenges and fitness classes.
Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank is available to employees in the event of an unexpected illness, surgery, or disability due to an injury. Requires membership.
Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank Handbook
Family Medical Leave available to employees who have been employed by the district for at least 12 months and meet the eligibility criteria. Employee may be granted up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave each year if they are eligible.
The district, in accordance with state law, provides workers' compensation insurance to employees.