BHS National Honor Society

2024-2025 Officers
President: Carlie Ash
Vice-President: Delaney Reitz
Secretary: Zahra Djidda
Treasurer: Ashlyn Smith
We will meet the first Thursday of every month in the cafeteria during success. (This is subject to change and will be announced on our Google Classroom page.)
All service projects and sign up sheets will be available in Google Classroom.
The purpose of this organization shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools.
Bylaws of the Bulldog Chapter of the
National Honor Society
Membership in the NHS is a privilege. Your academic success does not entitle you to become a member of the Bulldog Chapter of the National Honor Society. The National Honor Society was founded on the four cornerstones of CHARACTER, SERVICE, LEADERSHIP, SCHOLARSHIP. Scholarship is the initial identifier, and qualified candidates will be screened from the current junior and senior classes with a minimum cumulative weighted GPA of 4.125* at the start of the academic year for juniors. The weighted GPA includes core classes and foreign language. Candidates will be notified that they are being considered for membership and will attain membership only by completing the application process, which will consist of, but is not limited to, the following:
Three letters of recommendation, at least two of which must be from a core subject teacher, excluding the chapter advisors. (Recommendations may come from current and/or former high school teachers.)
Approval from the assistant principals
A majority vote of confidence from the faculty council
Approval from the guidance counselor
(*The GPA requirement is for the 2023-2024 school year and is reevaluated as needed to maintain high academic standards.)
Junior and senior students who transfer into the Burkburnett Independent School District and were members of the National Honor Society at their previous school need only to submit proof to the chapter advisors that they left as members in good standing to become members of the Bulldog Chapter of the National Honor Society. According to the National Honor Society Constitution, students who are new to the district may be considered after attending BHS for one semester.
The faculty council will be composed of the four core academic chairs and a fifth member as appointed by the principal of the high school. Should the chapter advisor serve as an academic chair the principal will appoint another academic chair to serve in their place.
Members must participate in all fundraisers for the chapter.
Members must complete a minimum of 10 hours participating in service projects per year. No more than three hours may be earned participating in service projects that are not originated within the chapter. A service project is defined as performing a service for another in which you give up your time and talent without monetary compensation. There will be one mandatory service project per semester.
Members will make every effort to maintain an academic course load. Members must graduate on the recommended plan and maintain at least 2 advanced courses (Pre-AP/Advanced, Dual Credit, AP) per semester. (AP Government may count as a full year.)
Members must be of good moral character. Any activity, which includes but is not limited to cheating, fighting, truancy, or major breaches of school policy, which tarnishes that character, will result in disciplinary probation and possible dismissal from the chapter. As it is a crime in Texas for minors to vape or be in possession of vaping paraphernalia, members who are caught vaping or in the possession of vaping paraphernalia on school grounds will have dismissal charges brought against them.
Members who receive assignment to ISS/AEP will be placed on disciplinary probation and could also face dismissal from the chapter. If your assignment is the result of alcohol or drug use, you will face dismissal charges before the faculty council. Placement in ISS for minor infractions of school policy will not necessarily result in disciplinary probation.
Members must make a good faith effort to attend all meetings that are called by the advisors or the officers of NHS. Excessive absences (2) without a satisfactory excuse or attempt to reach the chapter advisor will result in disciplinary probation. A third unexcused absence will result in dismissal charges against the member.
Members who are charged by law enforcement officials with unlawful activity charges such as MIP (minor in possession), possession of a controlled substance, unlawful possession of a firearm, vandalism,etc., or who are turned over to school authorities will have dismissal charges brought against them.
In all cases where dismissal is the recommended course of action, the member in question will have the right to explain their side of the incident to the faculty council before a vote is taken to dismiss.
Members who violate the terms of their probation will be dismissed from the chapter.
Once a member has been dismissed from NHS, they can never be reinstalled as a member.
In the event that an officer of NHS is placed on disciplinary probation, that officer will lose all rights and privileges associated with the office. A senior member of NHS may fill the vacant position through an open election among the senior NHS members.
The following are officer positions in NHS
Membership dues are $20 per academic year.