A group of students in each of Mrs. Dimock's 4th grade math blocks were trained by Mrs. Dimock on how to find profit. Each expert was assigned a profit situation and had to solve it in order to be considered for the expert position. After the experts were trained, students divided up into four groups. The expert students had the task of reading the situation, talking about the vocabulary, and the process for finding profit. Then the students went to work solving the profit problem. The students would check in with their expert student teacher for each step of the process before moving onto the next step. The experts guided students with questions like: What should you do next? Do you think that would work? At the end of the activity, the class came back together with the teacher to share feedback and give a summary of what they learned in the expert groups. The experts were TIRED and reported back to Mrs. Dimock that teaching is HARD! The class wrapped up for the day with an exit ticket about profit that was completed individually.
Students TEACH Students
September 14, 2023