This is a reminder that our Unified Flag Football game will take place at 6:30 PM this Friday right before our home football game against Alvarado. Get to the game a little early so you can support our Unified athletes!

The BISD track will need to be locked down Monday morning through Thursday morning this coming week. The track resurfacing company will be back to stripe the lanes on the track. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

TEACHER WORK DAY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2023. No school for all Burkburnett ISD students.

HOMECOMING WEEK IN BURKBURNETT! Come join the fun! Line the streets to watch the parade Sept 13. Meet us at Friendship Park Amphitheater for food and our CITY WIDE PEP RALLY! Bring a lawn chair. Vendors will be set up at 5:30, parade at 6:30, & Pep Rally at 7:30.

BISD would like to request help from our fans at our football games. We ask that you please pick up your trash and throw it into one of the many trashcans in the stadium. The stands were left in pretty bad shape after last Friday's game. We appreciate your attention to this at both home and away games, as we do not want to leave trash at anyone else's stadium either. Thank you!

The first phase of the track restoration has been completed. We will open the track to public use beginning today. The second phase will be the striping of the track. That will take place in the next few weeks. We will need to close the track again for that. Please keep dogs, bikes, and cleats off the track to help keep it in good shape. We thank you for your patience and support!

BISD will be resurfacing our track beginning the end of this week. Our track is due for this routine maintenance in order for us to host track meets. Unfortunately, we will need to lock down the track for public use during this project. We appreciate the public's understanding.

Important update regarding e-cigarettes (vapes) laws on campus. Texas Legislature recently passed Senate Bill 2428 which states: Beginning the 2023-2024 school year, any student caught in possession of an e-cigarette (vape) will automatically placed in DAEP.

Summer meal program!

We're thrilled to announce the new app for Burkburnett ISD!
It's everything Burkburnett ISD, in your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3L6GPTk
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3SThuhu

We honored our retirees and Teachers of the Year last night at our annual banquet. Sharon Brown was named Elementary Teacher of the Year and Jessica Dobbs was named Secondary Teacher of the year. We were missing some retirees in the picture but all are listed here.
Tamera Beckham
Barbara Bice
Marilyn Dever
Justine Hammond
Vance Morris
Craig Rickman
Anna Rogers
Kathy Simons
Lori Stokes
Paula Whiteman
Teacher of the Year
High School - Joe Silva
Gateway - Jessica Dobbs
Middle School - Patty Coker
Overton Ray - Sharon Brown
Tower - Kristen Lemons
Evans - Stephanie Woodward

BISD would like to say "Thank You" to our amazing educators who show up everyday to make a difference in the lives our students!!! #TheBullldogWay #BuildingBetterBulldogs

As a way to continue to provide opportunities for our community to provide feedback to our school district and superintendent, we will be hosting periodic town hall meetings through Facebook Live. Join us on April 24th.
Please keep all questions focused on policies, processes, or facilities at the district or campus level. Dr. Owen will not be answering any questions about specific personnel or student situations. Dr. Owen will give a district update and then answer your submitted questions. Dr. Owen will end the town hall with a live Q & A that will allow you to ask questions in real-time. We hope you will take the time to join in on these town halls and we hope you find the information and format beneficial. You can access the Live Event here: https://fb.me/e/vwmk4TnB

No School April 21st!

🚨🚨🚨summer tennis camp info🚨🚨🚨
Morning session 9a-noon
Afternoon session 1-3

From Mayor Lori Kemp:
Today ranked at the top of my mayoral moments thus far. I had the privilege of spending my morning with the amazing kids who represent the S2S (student to student) Program at BISD, and signed a Proclamation declaring April the “Month of the Military Child” in City of Burkburnett, TX. Our chamber at city hall was filled with laughter and excitement from kids from all BISD campuses, their Principles & Vice Principals, administration, and even Dr. Brad Owen and Dr. Audrey Ash.
The kids and I went live, took selfies, and, a few even took over the Mayor chair and hit the gavel! I love seeing our cities youth engaging in such a meaningful program. A program with the sole purpose of making new kids feel welcome in our community and making their transition into our schools as smooth as possible.
I welcome, and cherish, every opportunity to involve and engage our youth in city government in hopes it will one day inspire them to step into leadership positions in our community and contribute their greatness to the future of our city!
Thank you to Burkburnett ISD for such a wonderful morning, to all the kids who attended, who I hope will share their selfies, to News Channel 6 KAUZ for being there to cover the event, and to our City Clerk Margie Poole for being there on a city holiday to make all of this possible.

During this legislative session, our legislators have an unprecedented amount of additional funding to allocate. As with all businesses, the cost of doing business as a school district has skyrocketed. We need our legislators to make a statement of support this session for the 5.5 million students we educate in Texas schools, and for the over 400,000 school system employees! Increase the basic allotment and fund pay increases.

No school April 10, 2023. This is a teacher work day. Enjoy your long weekend!

We always embrace every opportunity to highlight not only our work in #CommunityBasedAccountability, but also our district as a whole.
Dr. Brad Owen, Mr. Nolan, and Mr. Hunter are merely representatives of the great work the staff of Burkburnett ISD does EVERYDAY. #TheBulldogWay #CBAS

It's almost time for PK & Kindergarten Round-Up! We are so excited to meet our newest little Bulldogs from April 11th - 21st. Please see the information at this link: